Official Reviews of Hotel Golden Rome city center written by Mature couple

Hotel Golden, Rome city center Italy

Nozio has <strong>selected this hotel</strong> because it offers you:<br /><br />- <strong>a high-quality Official Website</strong> where you can book at good rates due to no extra middleman costs;<br /><br />- <strong>great value for money</strong> confirmed by the real opinions of guests registered to the Nozio Community.

Hotel Golden

Rate on Official Website

of 1329 Lodgings Rome city center
Nozio Popularity Index (?)

Pre-cruise stay

by Colin

Mature couple, 5/2010

Your overall rate is: Good
Rating of the official website
Usability of the website
Reliability of information
Rating of accommodation
Kindness of the staff
Value for money

Hotel Golden was in an excellent lacation relative to attractions and local transport.

The room was quite small but very clean and Quiet.with good quality fittings, towels etc.

The owner/managers were very friendly and helpful, for example arrangements for transfers between airport & hotel, hotel & Cvitavecchia port, Civitavecchia & airport were excellent.

We enjoyed our 4 night stay very much.

What did you enjoy most about your stay?
The friendliness and helpfulness of owners. Convenient location.

What did not meet your expectations?
Breakfast room very cramped.

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