Official Reviews of Suite Sistina Rome city center written by Young couple

Suite Sistina, Rome city center Italy

Nozio has <strong>selected this hotel</strong> because it offers you:<br /><br />- <strong>a high-quality Official Website</strong> where you can book at good rates due to no extra middleman costs;<br /><br />- <strong>great value for money</strong> confirmed by the real opinions of guests registered to the Nozio Community.

Suite Sistina

Rate on Official Website

of 1329 Lodgings Rome city center
Nozio Popularity Index (?)

Amazing Experience!

by syl_jay

Young couple, 7/2013

Your overall rate is: Excellent
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Reliability of information
Rating of accommodation
Kindness of the staff
Value for money

The rooms were superb! Very clean, unique furniture/design, and very central location. Love the round beds! The hotel is walking distance to almost all the famous sites and attractions in Rome. We were less than 2 minutes away from the Spanish Steps. We stayed in the presidential suite which in itself was an unforgettable experience. We got to select our breakfast the day before and it was brought to our room every morning at the time we specified. The breakfast was delicious! Definitely recommend the cheese platter and pastries! The staff was exceptionally friendly throughout our stay. Every night they left a sticky note on our door to let us know what the weather would be like the next day. A special thank-you to Stefano and Carolina who went out of their way to make both our hotel and Rome experience special and memorable. They shared many tips and advice on where to go, what to see, and where to eat as well as helped us book tickets online for some of the attractions we wanted to see. My fiancé and I were on a Euro trip where we visited 6 different countries and stayed at 8 different hotels over three weeks. Suite Sistina was by far our favourite hotel! I would definitely stay here again on our next trip to Rome as well as highly recommend it to any family or friends traveling to Rome.

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